Month: February 2022

Farm Trunks Delivered!

With our classroom visits all wrapped up for the winter, our Head Start preschoolers needed a little something to hold them over until our spring visits to the farm start up. Luckily, we have just thing: our farm trunks! Learn more about our Farm Trunks here. This year, we sent out the following trunks: Horses, Read More »

Remembering Arrow

We are so sad to announce the passing of our dear goat, Arrow. He was put down on the 8th after he grew uncomfortable and skinny from cancer. His best buddy, Flint, seems to understand that Arrow is gone and has turned to his other friend, Snuder the horse. Luckily for us, our herd of Read More »

Head Start Winter Visit #2

With our star chickens having just finished out the last of their classroom visits, Flint and Arrow the goats took charge of the second round of farm visits to the Head Start classrooms! We start each session with a reading of ‘Flint’s Great Adventure’ (read it here). In this story, Flint gets ready for a Read More »

World Read Aloud Day 2022

In honor of World Read Aloud Day, we farm folk would like to share our love of reading! Our property manager, Jeff, so enjoys being read aloud to. While he works to make our property beautiful, his headphones are always playing audiobooks. When he goes home at night, he takes on the role of the Read More »