Author: Katie Guth

Recent Farm Mail

Since the beginning of the school year, we farm folk have committed to creating and dropping off ‘farm mail’ at all of the county’s Head Start classes each week (except when the snow stops us!). The past two months have been no exception as we have been delivering a wide variety of farm fun – Read More »

Virtual Storytime!

This month, our Third Thursday Storytime was in danger of being canceled due to yet another snowstorm. However, we opted instead to do storytime virtually over Facebook Live. Don’t worry – it was still outside in the snow! Although we much prefer to see our storytime crew in person, it was a wonderful chance to Read More »

World Read Aloud Day

Happy World Read Aloud Day! Although we farm folk primarily focus on getting kids outside and moving around – we also LOVE to get everyone reading. After all, books are such a great way of understanding animals and the outdoors. We have made many books about our farm which, in the past, we would often Read More »

Latest Virtual Learning Videos

With our Head Start friends still unable to come up to the farm, we continue to make virtual learning videos for them! Take some time to watch these and share them with your youngest friends! Rainy Day The whole farm gets excited on rainy days! Join me as I check in with the pond, trees, Read More »

‘Look Closely!’ Activity Book

We have a new farm book! Joy (our Barn Manager) created this interactive book, complete with rhymes and nature-themed hidden pictures. The idea for this little book started with a little boy named Jack. Jack is Joy’s little grandson. Whenever Joy sees a carefully camouflaged animal in her wanderings, she snaps a photo, texts it Read More »

StoryTime: “Please Take Me for a Walk”

  This month for our Third Thursday Storytime, we read ‘Please Take Me for a Walk’ by Susan Gal. It is a delightful story of a little dog who just wants to go for a walk. The doggie asks again and again ‘please take me for a walk” followed by all the lovely things that Read More »

New Farm Comic!

Our latest book has no words at all. Nope, not even a title. Instead, it is a comic strip that goes along with one of our recent videos ‘Let’s Ride a Horse.’ As our young preschoolers are a little ways away from reading on their own, we wanted to create a book that they could Read More »

Recent Farm Mail

We have been having so much fun making and delivering farm mail to all of our Head Start friends! Each week, we drive around Frederick and Emmitsburg to make our rounds of all the classrooms – two classes at Frederick Community College, one at Staley Park, two at the Bernard Brown Center, one at Lucas Read More »