Category: Uncategorized

Fly Fishing

At ThorpeWood, our mission is to provide the bounty of our natural resources to other non-profits and organizations, so that they might experience the wonder and beauty of spending time in nature. We work to achieve our mission in many different ways and this past Monday, we worked through the art of fly fishing. Now, Read More »

Come To The Mountain

Remember the intense heat of mid-July?  I know, it seems like a lifetime ago now that we are enjoying such pleasant weather, but just over a week ago, things were HOT!  Record hot, as a matter of fact.  When the temps get that hot, most of us run for the air conditioning; but during that Read More »

The Race Is On!

Although July is only partly over, September 1 will be here before you know it – and do you know what September 1 is?  That’s right – the ThorpeWood Trails 5K Fun Walk/10K Run.  This year’s event looks to be spectacular! You can register, as always, by visiting this website and downloading the registration form.  Read More »

This Summer is just full of firsts and exciting news here at ThorpeWood!

“What’s new at ThorpeWood?” you ask. So much! We have a new mission—to provide nonprofits and other organizations access to our wonderful natural resources (think hiking trails, campsites, streams, Icelandic horse herd, and more)—so that our natural bounty can help them to achieve their goals, both outreach and organizational. Our wedding and event business has Read More »