Month: December 2019

2020 Resolutions

The animals on the farm are all excited for 2020 to begin, and so have made some resolutions to make next year the best it can be! Here are some of their plans: Horses Fandi: Be more social. (make eye contact across the field on occasion when standing alone in my corner) Mia: Make it Read More »

Farm Story: What’s That Sound?

Here is another one of our farm stories, written by me and our barn manager, Joy. This story was inspired by a chance meeting with a turtle while out riding on Bylgia. Afterward, we crafted this story and now use it to begin our first day on the farm each fall. The activity which follows Read More »

Fall 2019 Head Start

From October through December, ThorpeWood is host to all thirteen of Frederick County’s Head Start classes. Each class comes up to the farm four days in a row to experience our farm programs. After our preliminary visits to the classrooms back in early October, the preschool ‘friends’ had already met us farm humans and learned Read More »

ThorpeWood 2020 Calendars

Our Holiday Open House is being held at the lodge December 14th, from 2pm-8pm. As part of this fun, we will be selling 2020 ThorpeWood calendars for $10 each! All of these photos (as seen below) feature little beauties from around the property. Our animals, of course, take a starring role, with beautiful shots of Read More »