Month: February 2014

American Chestnut

In today’s Frederick News Post, you can read a wonderful article about how Frederick county is involved in the drive to bring back the American Chestnut.  ThorpeWood is mentioned in the article which discusses the plight of the Chestnut and the efforts to bring it back. In 1997, ThorpeWood established a 374-tree orchard to help Read More »

Talking About Toilets…Composting Toilets

Yes, you read that correctly.  Today’s post is all about the composting toilets at ThorpeWood.  Many of you already know that ThorpeWood is a green design building, and that protecting and preserving our natural resources was the driving thought behind the construction of the Lodge.  One of the ways that we help to do that Read More »

Valentine’s Day

It’s Valentine’s Day – Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! – and our thoughts naturally turn to love.  Of course, here at ThorpeWood, our thoughts turn to you, our friends and supporters, and we enjoy having a day to take the opportunity to tell you how much we appreciate you and to share our thanks. Our thoughts Read More »