For the first time since April 2019, we welcomed back the wonderful organization So What Else! Here’s a bit about this wonderful non-profit:

So What Else’s mission is to improve the lives of children and families living in underserved communities in the Baltimore-Washington Metro Area by providing food security, access to basic necessities, and high-quality out-of-school time programs in literacy, athletics, and the visual and performing arts while inspiring young people to give back to the community by creating volunteer opportunities for citizens of all ages.
In the past, So What Else has brought young adults for a leadership retreat involving equine assisted learning, a foraging walk, yoga, animal time, and more. On this visit, the children and adults spent two nights in our homestead house and participated in some programs with Clare. It seemed they had a lively time together experiencing a world far outside their everyday city lives in Baltimore. We were particularly touched and sobered when one of the group leads, reflecting on the ladybugs in one of the upstairs bedrooms, said ‘better bugs than bullets.’ We are honored to provide a rural escape for these youth – and adults, too!
To support this fine organization, visit their page here.