In this third week of September, we took it slow with programs and focused instead on all the behind-the-scenes work that makes ThorpeWood tick! To get an idea of what this looks like for us…
September 19th: This was a big day for meetings. After our weekly full-team staff meeting, our intern, Casey, arrived to learn the ropes of partnership meetings. She shadowed Program Director Katie and Executive Director Kaili in a meeting with the DNR’s Becoming and Outdoorswoman team. In this meeting, we discussed possible partnership ideas and generally shared ideas about how to engage the community with outdoor recreation and skill-building.
Later in the day, Program Director Katie went to Hood College for a Youth Council: Survey and Engagement workgroup meeting. This is one tiny part of the larger effort of the 12-to-24 Collaborative’s efforts at improving the well-being of emerging adults in our county. ThorpeWood is proud to be a part of this initiative.
September 21st: This was another meeting-heavy day. The ThorpeWood team first met with FCPS CASS Coordinators to plan and work out the kinks for this year’s programming. We were delighted to problem-solve together and make headway on how to best serve FCPS youth. Later in the day, we also met with the Multilingual Education community liaison from Walkersville High School. Similarly, we were discussing options for how to best serve the youth in her program. We hope these conversations will yield strong programming for FCPS youth this coming school year!
September 22nd: Program Director Katie continued her Master Naturalist training at Fountain Rock Park and Nature Center! On this day, the class dived into geology with Bill Sears. In the afternoon, the class took a field trip to the Catoctin Furnace to investigate and see first-hand the historical site in our backyard.