Most everyone knows that we have horses on ThorpeWood’s Stoney Lick Farm (SLF) but besides our horses, we have many other animal friends. This past year we added 6 new animals!
In April we adopted two lop-eared rabbits, Oreo and Nugget. They have joined us during our Head Start programs. The kids just love to needle felted animals and feed the bunnies, although with all the activity the bunnies don’t seem to very interested in food.
A few months later we adopted Tyson, a Yellow Labrador Retriever and quite possibly the happiest dog in the world. He tags along with Sam on the farm and we’re sure he’s smiling all the time. As mentioned in this useful source, it is so great to have a dog with such a pleasant personality and willingness to please, but don’t ask Tyson to ride in the Kubota or golf cart – he wants nothing of them.
In October we heard about 2 Nubian goats that were in need of a new home.
These adorable two enjoy being around people, and living among their new animal friends. Before coming to SLF, they lived with Llamas, Alpacas and horses and now they have Mia and our Icelandic horses. They enjoy hiking about the farm and ThorpeWood trails, but they don’t like rain, snow or cold temperatures.
The light brown goat is named Arrow. He is 4 years old. He enjoys being brushed and likes to be loved on. Geysir is his best horse friend.
The taller, darker goat is named Flint. He is 3 years old and a little shy but he will follow you anywhere. He is very athletic and is a great jumper. Vinur was very scared of the goats when they first arrived but now Vinur is Flint’s best horse friend.

Vinur: Are those goats? Can we trust them?
Stormur: My, what big ears they have.
Our newest addition is a Christmas puppy and BIG suprise to Ms. Julie. His name is Tucker, a Russell Terrier (a shorter version of the Parsons Terrier).
Tucker is fearless, loves everyone and every animal, especially his big brother Tyson. He’s energetic and cuddly and loves squeaky toys. Tyson is about the best BIG brother a little fellow could ask for …Tyson is nearly always patient and pretty gentle most of the time. Tucker is determined to keep up with Tyson as we walk the steep trails on the backside of ThorpeWood.
Although these two are not full time residents here at ThorpeWood we felt we must mention them because they spend a lot of time here and we consider them part of our animal family.
Greta (a.k.a. Greta Garbo) belongs to Joy, our barn manager. Greta is a rescued dog and Joy adopted her when she was 7 months old. She’ll be 5 this year. Greta is a German Shepard/Standard Poodle mix (Joy sometimes calls her “my Germoodle”) . She’s very affectionate, loves all dogs, loves walking on the trails at ThorpeWood and chasing squirrels. Her best friend is June, Katie’s dog. They love to play together. Greta tries to play with the goats but they are not interested. When she’s not at ThorpeWood she enjoys hiking and meeting her doggy pals at the dog park.
Our assistant barn manager, Katie, can always be seen here at ThorpeWood with her Patterdale Terrier, June (a.k.a. June Bug). June gets along very well with all the horses and Greta, of course. Her favorite activities on the farm are running the trails ahead of the horses, snuffling through the hay in search of dangerous rodents, and standing in the pond on a hot summer day.
June will occasionally seek out a little pet from Joy or Sam but generally would just prefer to lick Katie’s face or sleep by Katie’s side in the tack room in a little red cat bed donated by Sam.