Noodle Horse Makeover

Our pool noodle horses are some of our lesser-known herd members, but are part of the family nonetheless. These creatures were brought to life back in the summer of 2017 and have been a part of our programs ever since. Our Head Start preschoolers so enjoy riding through our riding ring atop them! The pool noodle horses also travel to Frederick to visit the kids in the classroom. During these visits, the children use these toy horses to learn our ‘animal handshake’ before coming to the farm and greeting our other animals.

Three years into their little lives, the pool noodle horses were in desperate need of a makeover. They had lost many a googly eye, clumps of their curled ribbon manes, and their bridles. So, in preparation for our upcoming visits with Head Start students, the great makeover went underway. With the help of a hot glue gun, these adorable animals were restored to their former beauty. Take a look at their before and after photos!


