The advent of Spring is certainly bringing more life to the farm – many of our spring programs are starting up now!

On the 12th, our community liaison, Clare, had Zach Carnegie from the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay and Dakota Durcho from the Forestry Service out to lead a winter tree identification walk for our community. Read more about this free community event here.

On the 14th, we had CASS (Community Agency School Services) coordinators from Frederick County Public Schools. This partnership began back in December when Katie and Clare met with Lynn Davis, Coordinator of Mental Health Services, and Angie Cornell, CASS Coordinator. Now, three months later, these ladies gathered up all the CASS coordinators across FCPS to experience ThorpeWood. We gave an overview of ThorpeWood’s work and mission before doing equine assisted learning with them. We meant to then lead a farm tour, but we were all simply too shivery and cold to make that possible. Instead, we opted for a chat around the fireplace at the lodge, with tea and coffee in hand. Here, we discussed how CASS coordinators could take advantage of all ThorpeWood offers. We landed on a recurring monthly visit, during which each CASS Coordinator would bring a handful of their students who needed us most. The conversation was so fantastic – we are beyond thrilled about this partnership and where it will lead!

On the 17th, Governor Thomas Johnson High School brought out their English Learners Department – a frequent visiting group at ThorpeWood. Thirty-Three EL Students spent the day doing team-building activities, going on an exploratory hike, doing some crafty nature/science activities, enjoying lunch together in the pavilion, playing soccer, and visiting the animals. This group of kids and teachers always have a grand time at the farm, really making it feel like home.