On July 10th, we were delighted to welcome three new goats to our farm! They are 6-month-old Nigerian Dwarf goats. After much deliberation and quality time loving them, Clare named them Pippin, Wally, and Peanut! We adopted them from the animal rescue ‘Farm Sweet Farm.’ If you want to learn more about this rescue, take a look at their website here.

On Tuesday the 11th, we once again welcomed back Boys and Girls Club of Frederick County. This was the last of the first round of visits from their participants. As with the other groups, we enjoyed visiting all of our animals (including our new goats!) and going on a hike across our property.
On July 12th, we partnered with Frederick County Public Libraries to hold a ‘ThorpeWood Community Day.’ This was a wildly successful event with 276 guests in attendance! We set up our farm with stations where visitors could move about at their leisure, stopping by to visit our horses, goats, tractors, mud kitchen, story path, and more. The lovely librarians held a storytime in our pine cathedral – every seat in the ‘house’ was taken! Thanks to Penny and the crew from Thurmont Library for setting all of this up and being great community partners!

On the 13th, we finished out our week of programs with Potomac Community Services. These folks brought us youth from their Youth Diversion Program, which serves youth who have gotten in trouble with the law, and their Family Strong Program, which serves youth who have an incarcerated family member. These eight participants had a great time visiting with our animals, giving baths to our horses, and going on an adventure hike across the farm. We hope to see them back again soon!