Our farm trunks have been circulating in the Frederick County Head Start classrooms for seven weeks now, and the consensus is clear: everyone LOVES the farm trunks! Each week, we are inundated with photos and feedback from the teachers. We love to hear which trunks are early favorites (and which trunks aren’t quite so great – looking at you, bird trunk!). Of course, direct quotes from the teachers and photos of the kids are the best way of showing just how beloved our trunks are. So, here you go!
Teacher Quotes
The kids are loving the trunks. There is something magical about them. -Miss Kim
The children really love the fishing game in the pond trunk! I think this one, the bug trunk, and the tent trunk have been their favorites. Thank you! -Miss Susan
“What a wonderful and oh so creative idea! Love you all for thinking outside the box and bringing nature into our classrooms.” -Miss Nina
“My kids have loved the farm trunk. We went on a rock hunt and collected rocks. We sorted our rocks from small to big, smooth to rough and colors. They also built something…I don’t know what it was but it looked cool. Thanks for this awesome project.” -Miss Cassie
“I can’t wait to get my next trunk! Ladies, my class previewed the pond trunk a while back and the kids loved it. I introduced the materials and then we put it in the science center. I’m excited to see what is in the other trunks.” -Miss Kim
“Farm Trunks are very cool and the children love them 🙂 Thanks for bringing them to us!!” -Miss Susan
Trunk Photos