Farm Mail (with Dizzy and Daphne)

For our third week of farm mail deliveries, we brought our two silkie hens, Dizzy and Daphne to join in the fun! Our items of farm fun included a laminated class copy of our latest book, The Farm Alphabet (read it here, watch a read-aloud of it here), a small booklet copy of the same book for each child to take home, and a letter from our chicken, Dizzy. Check out these items of farm fun:

We stopped by each classroom, dropped off our farm fun, and showed the kids their visitors, Dizzy and Daphne the chickens! The chickens kept their distance, of course, but were oohed and ahhed at from afar. Upon seeing Daphne, one little girl very matter-of-factly announced ‘she’s very beautiful.’

Also during this adventure, we picked up some truly terrific mail from the kids to us farm folk! Such beautiful drawings, lovely notes, and expertly-completed worksheets from last week made us smile ear-to-ear!


Take a look at some of the mail we received this week below.

Each of the drawings had such great messages! Here are a few of our favorites:

“Hey Everyone on the horse farm. Thank you for making the books for us.” -Ke’Wan

“I wish I could come to the farm again like last year. One day, I will visit the farm. I want to see your animals” -Elijah

“Hello! Thank you for the animal videos.” -Sebastian

“Hi Miss Katie. I miss you.” -Dylan

We can’t wait until we get some more mail next week!