Head Start is back at the farm! This season finishes up our 9th year serving Frederick County’s Head Start preschoolers. This round of visits, the classes are coming out twice for a morning of farm fun, followed by lunch in the pavilion. After the option to romp and play a bit in our riding ring, the kids return to school for nap time.

On the first day, the children all visit the horses, cows, chickens, and goats before being turned loose in the hay playground. After they have swung, slid, and bounced to their hearts’ content, we move everyone on to the mud kitchen where we shape and mold mud. Armed with spatulas, spoons, and assorted pots and pans, the mud kitchen is a lively and delightfully messy space.

The second visit is spent more out in nature. We take our little metal pails and explore the woods, searching for the usual: sticks, rocks, acorns, leaves, etc. We also branch out and find a more rare array of natural items: chestnut burrs, ‘gum balls’, magnolia seed pods, and more. We end our exploration at the tipi, where we have a small fire and enjoy a round of show n’ tell where everyone shares their favorite item from the woods. From there, we read Anywhere Artist before becoming artists ourselves with the natural treasures in our buckets. If time allows, we then send the kids off to the leaf pile to Frolic and enjoy.

These are good days for everyone – we have been so enjoying the exceptional fall weather and colors.