“What’s new at ThorpeWood?” you ask. So much! We have a new mission—to provide nonprofits and other organizations access to our wonderful natural resources (think hiking trails, campsites, streams, Icelandic horse herd, and more)—so that our natural bounty can help them to achieve their goals, both outreach and organizational.
Our wedding and event business has been jettisoned to form a new company—Mountain Memories at ThorpeWood, headed up by our fantastic Director of Events, Julie Parlaman.
We are launching our newly redesigned website, and thus, we welcome you to the initial offering of the ThorpeWood Blog. Our hope for this blog is that it will be a place where our supporters turn for information and inspiration from a trusted resource, and that it will be an invitation to new friends and supporters to learn more about ThorpeWood and to use all that we have to offer.
So many exciting things are happening at ThorpeWood this Summer! We look forward to enjoying them with you!