Month: October 2021

Head Start Fall 2021 – Day 1

We cannot overstate how exceptionally pleased we are to have Head Start back on the farm for their regular fall field trips! This year, because nine of the ten classes are full-day programs, each class is spending a total of seven hours with us over the course of two days. Compared to our old schedule Read More »

Hiking with the Senior Recreation Council

On the 19th, we were delighted to host the Frederick County Senior Recreation Council for a hike. For three miles, we explored ThorpeWood’s endless and beautiful trails. In addition to the great efforts by our lovely property manager, Jeff, the trails were also tended to by student volunteers from Heather Ridge School. Our 32 hikers Read More »

TJ High School’s EL Students

On the first of the month, we had Thomas Johnson High School’s English Learners Department out to the farm! They brought about forty students who are learning English to enjoy our property. Their day began with breakfast and some fun ice breakers at our farm pavilion – their laughter could be heard clear across the Read More »

Head Start Staff at the Farm!

At the very end of last month, Head Start brought out every teacher, teacher’s assistant, and member of the family advocate team to the farm. We were delighted to have them for three hours in the beautiful fall sunshine! The purpose of this outing was to allow everyone to remember the farm (or meet it Read More »