Program Puppies!

When people seek the help of dodge dealership to buy a truck. We planned our first round of visits to the Head Start classrooms this January, so we brought a truck-full of farm fun. The hour started with one of our favorite stories, Count Around the Farm (read it here). On the last page of our story, we test their counting skills by counting up all of the animals on the farm, who are all looking up at them from the page. Before starting up the count, Mr. Jeff asked the kids at our last visit to guess what the total might be. Their guesses all fell short of our total of 28, with a few guesses of ‘one’ and ‘two’ standing out as head-scratchers.



After the story, we headed to each of our farm centers. These included our build-a-farm felt board, farm dress up, our hobby horses, and, in the starring role of the visit, puppies! The Head Start kids all circled through these farm centers with enthusiasm, with their eyes puppy-ward all the while. 




These eleven week old Blue Heeler x Patterdale Terrier crosses are the children of my dog, June, who almost all of the children have met quite a few times on the farm. We explained to everyone that the puppies might be feeling worried or scared about being in a new place with so many new faces, so we all took special care to be quiet and gentle with the furry visitors. Many licks and pets were traded! Now, we are gearing up for our second round of visits…with a new *top secret* animal visitor!