Head Start Returns – Spring 2022

We are delighted to welcome back our Head Start friends to the farm for the spring season! We have cultivated a fun-filled farm experience for these kids on their two long days with us. 


On the first day, we will begin with a visit to all of our animals – horses, goats, chickens, cows, rabbit and bumble bees! After such a long winter, the animals are oh-so lonely for the loving touches and hugs of our littlest visitors. After lunch in the pavilion and playtime in the riding ring, the kids will regroup for a round of exploration. With our little metal buckets, we will gather dandelions, pine cones, and assorted sticks. We will see the pond and field of buttercups. We will run and cartwheel across our 160 acres.



On day two, we will announce to the kids that we farm folk didn’t get our chores done quite yet. Could they help out for a bit? With their helping hands, we will take shedding blades to the horses’ winter coats, use our pitch forks to clean the fields of horse manure, play on the tractors to make sure all the buttons and levers are in good working order, and gather compost from the old manure pile for gardening. After lunch and free play outdoors, we will fill our afternoon with a trip to the stream. Here, we will travel across the new bridge, find the old log cabin in the woods, and pay a visit to the stream. If it’s warm enough, we will take time to splash and swim here.

For this season of Head Start visits, we are resolving to take it slow and enjoy each animal and activity. There will be no rushing or jam-packed activities.

Let’s savor this.

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